Monday, November 5, 2012

We had a very busy first quarter of the school year in Spanish class.  After completing the Mi Vida multimedia project to review content from 7th Grade Spanish, we began our first new unit of the year, El Día Escolar, or The School Day.  In this unit students learned:

  • vocabulary for classes in school
  • adjectives to describe classes
  • ordinal numbers for class periods
  • additional vocabulary for objects around the classroom
  • prepositional phrases to describe location
  • how to tell time
  • two new verbs, tener- to have, and estar- to be
It was a very large unit!  Students worked on a project in which they wrote a letter to another 8th grade Spanish student about their school schedules.  I exchanged the letters among students and they replied to their temporary pen pal.

For their unit assessment students verbally answered a series of questions that I asked them one on one.  There was a lot of information to master in order to understand all of the questions and answer them appropriately, and for the most part students did very well!

I believe one of the most memorable classes we've had recently was our visit with native Spanish speakers.  A few weeks ago five international undergraduate and graduate students from UVM came to CMS to talk with my classes.  Every student asked a question in Spanish to our guests.  It was very exciting to see beginning level students carry on a conversation with people from Spain and the Dominican Republic!  I was very proud of them!


  1. On Monday, we had four spanish speakers from UVM come into our classroom. It was a lot of fun to hear different people speaking Spanish! We could ask them questions about them, and when they responded we could actually understand them! That was pretty cool.. But it was also a bit confusing at times. After we asked some questions, they all realized that they were from Spain. In between some of the questions asked, they would talk to each other and I really couldn't figure out what they were saying. But the parts when I could actually understand them were fun. They all seemed like super nice people. When we asked them questions, it was cool that we could ask them in Spanish. Over all, it was a really cool experience, and I hope we get to do it again!

  2. My experience speaking with native speakers was really fun. It was really cool to be able to hear what they do and what they like. One of the best parts for me was realizing that I could understand some of what they were saying.
    My classes guest speakers names were Javier and Kalil. Javier was from Spain and Kalil was from the Dominican Republic. They both had many things in common like that they like soccer and they both like listening to music.
    It was really interesting to hear their accents too! I realized when I was listening to Javier that he pronounced his "c" with a "th" sound.
    Overall, my experience with the native speakers was really good! I hope I will be able to do it again soon.

  3. Hi! Or as our guest speakers would say, hola! This week students from Colchester Middle School got the opportunity to have a half and half conversation with 4 native speakers (Paulia and Javier, 18, Jamie, 19, and Eva, 24) shared with us their daily lives as we all got the chance to ask questions. Being 4 students all from Spain who have never met before was a really thrilling experience for not only us, but for them to be able to make connections and differences with eachother. They were mind blown to hear we get up around 5:30 a.m. on a daily basis and eat dinner around 6:30 p.m. I believe this was more than just a way to get to know about another culture 1st hand, but a great way for us as students hear other live native voices.
