Friday, August 29, 2014

Bienvenidos - Welcome!

Hola - Hello, to my new students and parents!

My name is Meghan Tiernan Fisher, the Spanish Teacher at Colchester Middle School.  By this point I believe you have all received my summer letter in the mail.  My apologies that it got to you so late in the summer.  There was a delay in the schedules being sent out this year.  I hope you've also had a chance to read through our class expectations and procedures.  These are printed on blue paper and were reviewed with your student on our first day of class.

I'm glad you've found our Spanish class blog!  Please be sure to subscribe to the blog by entering your email address in the box on the right hand column of the page where is says, "Follow by email." Subscribing to the blog by email will allow you to stay up to date with what we're doing in class.

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