Friday, May 16, 2014

Conjuntos locos - Crazy outfits!

We wrapped up our Family unit last week and now we're in the midst of our last new unit  of the school year, Clothing and Colors.  Yesterday students played a game called "name it or wear it" where they volunteered to identify an item of clothing in Spanish.  Just like the name of the game sounds, if they couldn't name the item and its color correctly in Spanish they had to put it on - and these were some really interesting items of clothing that I had way too much fun selecting at a local thrift store! 

We also played "conjuntos locos" or crazy outfits, where two students had to race each other to find and put on three items on a list.  As you can see, my students are anything buy shy and volunteered for photos of their conjuntos locos!

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