Thursday, March 6, 2014

National Foreign Language Week

Hola & Bonjour!

This week is National Foreign Language Week!  To celebrate we've labeled the whole school with signs in French & Spanish, and there will be Mexican and French themed lunches served in the cafeteria this week!  On Friday Spanish students will wear beads and the colors of the Mexican flag - red, white, and green - to show their language learning pride!

Check out this quick video on the importance of learning a second (or third!) language.

Here are some interesting research based facts about language learning: 
  • Learning another language improves your understanding of English structure and vocabulary! 
  • Students who study a foreign language have increased scores on standardized tests.
  • Foreign language learners have better listening skills and sharper memories than their monolingual peers.
  • Several studies indicate that individuals who learn a second language are more creative and better at solving complex problems than those who do not.
  • Foreign language learners are more tolerant of the differences among people.
  • Students of foreign languages may even have better career opportunities!
*Source - "The Benefits of Second Language Study" Regarding World Language Education

NEA Research, December 2007

Thanks for your continued support of your student studying a foreign language!

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