Friday, February 6, 2015

End of the School Unit - Now on to the FOOD Unit!

We've made it to my favorite unit of the school year - La comida y los restaurantes or Food and Restaurants!  

Students did a great job overall on their speaking assessments this week.  They were given a sample student schedule and had to answer eight questions in complete sentences in Spanish about the schedule.  Speaking assessments can be nerve wracking, but everyone survived! :) 

Now that we've wrapped up El día escolar  or the School Day we can begin to learn to talk about what we like to eat.  By the end of this unit students will be able to discuss what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Most exciting in my opinion, is that students will be able to order food in a restaurant!  Start planning that Latin American vacation now!  To get things started today we listened to this song in class by Mexican hip hop artist, MC Luca.  It's ALL about food, Mexican food to be precise.